Go for a hike!

 Most small dogs are natural lovers of the outdoors. The key is to take your time and enjoy all that nature has to offer.” To him, there’s very little that’s more exciting than exploring endless trails and letting his big personality shine through. Let’s go for a hike!

Hitting the Trail

There are hundreds of miles of trails to experience together in the U.S. Whether you’re a more advanced hiking team ready for an exhilarating adventure or you prefer a more relaxed, easygoing walk, there are trails suited for every dog and every activity level.

Your days on the trail are sure to be filled with unique discoveries and hidden treasures. And, your small dog just might jump up and wag his tail at the phrase, “Let’s go hiking! Always check pet regulations before you head out because some national parks and forests, along with state parks, don’t allow dogs, even if on a leash, to share the trail.

Pack up

Before you head out, make sure you have the right gear for your best friend and expect the unexpected while you’re out exploring the great outdoors. Here are a few things you might not think to pack that can keep your little buddy happy and on the move:

  • First aid kit – you get blisters and so can your pup. Their pads can be sensitive to rough terrain, resulting in sores and tears. Make sure you have proper bandages and medicines to protect your pup.

  • Tweezers – ticks are a common nuisance for both man and man’s best friend. Make sure you’ve treated your dog with the proper flea and tick medication but be ready to remove any unwanted travelers before you get back in your car to head home.

  • Booties – consider bringing booties for your bestie’s little paws. These can help protect against sharp rocks, thorns and sticks.

  • Doggie Towel – from waterfalls to streams and ponds, your pooch is sure to find any available water source for an afternoon swim. Towels can be a great multi-purpose item – perfect for drying off, warming up, or for being used as a blanket to relax along the trail.

  • Cooling collar – no matter what time of year, temperatures can soar unexpectedly. These dog collars are perfect for keeping your little buddy cool in the sun all day long.

Snacks and drinks

You pack plenty of water and food for yourself, but your sidekick needs the same. Grab his favorite treats and pack a lot of water for your long day out. Small dogs under 20 pounds can drink typically up to 1.5 ounces of water per pound, per day. Don’t forget to stop and enjoy a break together.

By All Pet Daily News

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