More Tips for Introducing Two Cats

 Mickey Niego

A carefully planned introduction is everything. Most cats do not readily accept a new member of the family; they need time to get used to the idea. His personality would compliment that of the E-cat. It can be important to have patience and not rush things along. Don’t chance an all-out fight; when in doubt, wait a few more days before proceeding to the next step. Preventing a problem is easier than solving one.


Several factors need to be considered and balanced in a planned introduction; among them age, size, personality. Experience matters. A stray may be competitive, territorial and stand up for himself. An orphaned hand raised kitten may grow up to be an awkward and fearful adult; when it comes to living with another cat, this type of cat may take longer and require extra patience to make the adjustment. The more the situation deviates from the ideal, the more the introduction process may becomecome protracted.

The period of adjustment and creation of a new routine can stretch beyond the normal 6 to 12 weeks. If enough factors are in conflict, the cats may become adversaries rather than friends.

If this were an ideal world the New cat (N-cat) would be younger and smaller than the Existing cat (E-cat). N-cat would be of the opposite sex, and spayed or neutered. A certain amount of hissing, posturing and chasing is to be expected. You would take your time meeting and interacting with potential adoptees and would be rational, not emotional during the decision-making process.


The reality is that sometimes choice is not an option. Roommates or spouses with cats come as a basic non-negotiable package deal; the humans agreed to cohabitate, the cats will learn will need to understand to cohabitate as well. Remember, E-cat should be inconvenienced as little as possible; Be prepared to end up being patient for the intro process; especially if the cats have little or no experience living with another cat.

When choosing to adopt a fresh cat, you’ll want to make sure to introduce the new cat to your existing cat-home carefully and patiently. Any new cat added to your home should be physically isolated from your E-cat at first to make certain that he has proper time to get used to his new surroundings and that both cats have appropriate time to get used each other’s scents and sounds. If the cat you’re adding provides an unknown background, he must be thoroughly examined for parasites and disease, leukemia tested, and vaccinated by a veterinarian before he can come into contact with E-cat.

The Isolation Area

All introductions start with the same basic rules. The isolation area should be a room with a door that can become closed so there is absolutely no contact between the newcomer and the existing cat. The existing cat, E-cat, will have the run of the house except for the area designated as N-cat’s isolation area. The newcomer, N-cat, will be isolated. N-cat’s room should have everything he needs to feel at home, food/water, litter box, some comfortable hiding places, scratching post and a few toys.

If you don’t have a spare room, your bedroom or bathroom can be set up as the isolation room. If your E-cat is used to sleeping with you, you may have to use the bathroom. This type of introduction can some times be challenging. suddenly denying E-cat this basic level of companionship will complicate the problem.


If you’re left with no choice, except the bathroom, and E-cat’s litter box is currently located there, move the box to a new spot or create one with a privacy screen. If circumstances permit, do this at least two weeks before bringing the newcomer home. Planning ahead will minimize the chaos for E-cat.

The isolation area should be cat proofed and well ventilated. The simple set-up should include a litter box, a food/water bowl and a cave-like hiding box lined with something comfortable. Be sure to spend quality time with E-cat. Talk to him; tell him that although things are not the way they used to be, he is still special. Play his favorite games. Groom him daily. Give him little bits of something yummy by hand. Make it intimate.

Step Two

Now that E-cat is accustomed to the newcomer’s limited existence, it’s time to move forward. The next step will allow them to see each other without full body contact. Stack two 36″ high tension gates in the newcomer’s doorway. Rigid plastic mesh baby gates are available at most children’s specialty or department stores. If you have reason to believe that either cat will get over the 6′ gate set-up, use PLAN B. It is crucial that the cats not fight. PLAN B: jam the door of the isolation room with two hard rubber door stops, one on each side with the door cracked open 2 to 3 inches. Make sure that neither cat fit his head through the opening. Check that the door is secure and will not suddenly pop open or slam shut if a cat body slams the door aggressively. They will be able to touch noses, whack each other with their paws and investigate without full body contact. When you are not at home or unable to at least peripherally supervise, close the door. Do not really proceed to the final step until the cats seem relatively calm in each others presence; hissing, posturing and growling should be at a bare minimum.

Step Three

Finally, you get to open the entranceway! With E-cat occupied elsewhere, take down the gates or open the door. Don’t make a big thing out of it. Let the cats happen upon each other. Stay on the sidelines; don’t interfere. E-cat may stalk and chase the newcomer; this is typical territorial behavior. The newcomer may do the same if E-cat enters the isolation room. Do not leave them unsupervised.

If a cat fight erupts keep your hands out of it. Usually do not attempt to handle or pick up either cat. Clap hands and shout, bang a pot with a spoon, throw water, anything to startle them, but don’t ever reach into a tangled mass of battleing cats. It usually sounds much worse than it is. Cats may yowl and scream, but if their nails have been trimmed prior to the EVENT, damage should be minimal. Declawed cats have no alternative except to bite. When things have cooled down considerably, go over each of their bodies carefully checking for damage. Bites and punctures wounds can become infected and abscess. Call your vet right away if either cat appears to have an injury.

The complete process can take anywhere from several days (kitten to kitten/juvenile) to several months (adult to adult); a lot depends on how far you deviated from the IDEAL. You must watch for signs of stress. Eating food quickly and then vomiting, excessive grooming, sleeping and/or drinking are signs that someone is not happy. Spraying, indiscriminate urination and defecation, mewling and hiding behaviors are also associated with anxiety and stress.

Do not promote competition. Continue to feed in separate areas. Maintain the two litterboxes. Many E-cats have been known to block doorways and deny access to box or bowl. Don’t be in a hurry to consolidate. If a cat can’t get to his box, he will be left with no choice except to create a new toilet area!

Eventually, hostilities will decline. E-cat will stop the chasing and stalking and the newcomer will minimize perching and scurrying along the edges of the room. They’ll declare a cease fire. They may start to gspace each other and share sleeping spots. At worst, you will have peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. Hopefully, they will become best buddies.

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